20 September 2017James & George Collie
With more than 98% of buyers using the internet in the search for their new home, the first few seconds’ viewing can be ‘make or…

26 June 2017James & George Collie
By Scott A. Middleton, Chartered Financial PlannerJames & George Collie Financial ManagementDespite a perceived background of worldwide uncertainty and volatility the Q1 of 2017 has…

26 June 2017James & George Collie
They are recommended by solicitors universally, and are becoming ever more popular; but what is a Power of Attorney, and more importantly, why do you…

26 June 2017James & George Collie
Separated parents often wish to spend extended periods of quality time with their children over the Summer months; but when it comes to taking your…

26 June 2017James & George Collie
A new leasing regime is being introduced by the Scottish Parliament in terms of the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016.  The Scottish Private Residential…

26 June 2017James & George Collie
  New regulations under Section 63 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 (the “Act”) are now fully in force and landlords of eligible…

08 March 2017James & George Collie
James & George Collie are delighted to announce that they have promoted Mark Allan, Solicitor to Associate.  Mark, with over 10 years’ experience in residential…

08 March 2017James & George Collie
In 2006, everything changed with regard to cohabitees, thanks to the Family Law (Scotland) Act 2006. Before this Act, rights for cohabiting couples were limited…

08 March 2017James & George Collie
This last 6 month period of 2016 has been one of the most significant since the credit crisis and potentially marks a change in long…