Disputes regarding children are highly emotional for all those affected. Our lawyers work with families to solve their issues in an efficient and stress-free manner. We aim to help you settle disputes using resolution methods such as negotiation, collaborative law or mediation. The courts in Scotland are reluctant to interfere with parenting issues and will only do so if it is in the child’s best interests.
If you require specialist advice and support on any child-related dispute, please do not hesitate to contact our family law solicitors. In the meantime, please read on for more information on our services in this area.
Residence and contact disputes in Aberdeen
The most common situation that causes disagreements over a child is the breakdown of the parents’ relationship. During separation and divorce, one of the main concerns for all will be where the child will live and how much time they will spend with each other. Our lawyers have extensive experience assisting clients in negotiating child residence and contact matters, with a view to preparing an effective, fair and legally binding agreement.
Parental rights and responsibilities disputes
Parents have certain rights and obligations regarding their children, for example, the responsibility to protect the child’s health and the right to decide how the child is raised. Mothers automatically have these rights and responsibilities but some fathers do not.
Our family lawyers regularly provide advice and support to clients dealing with disagreements over parental right and responsibilities (PRRs). Conflicts can arise if a father wishes to obtain PRRs but the mother does not agree, if parents have different opinions on how to exercise their obligations, or if one parent wants them to be removed from the other.
Child maintenance disputes in Stonehaven
Child maintenance is often a contentious issue for parents who are separating. However, it is in everyone’s interests to reach a quick and effective agreement. If you and your former partner are unable to decide on the amount of child maintenance or one parent is failing to pay, we can advise you on all the options and services available to you. Our family lawyers help clients to negotiate the level, timing and other child maintenance arrangements and include these details in a formal contract.
Child relocation disputes
In separation cases, it is not uncommon for one parent to decide to relocate with their child, often to their home country or somewhere that offers better job prospects. If both parents have parental rights and responsibilities for the child, consent must be given for relocation. Consequently, disputes can arise if consent is withheld.
Whether you are attempting to relocate or disagree with your partner’s wishes to do so, we can help. Solicitor-led negotiation is the most common method of resolving these disagreements out of court. However, if this fails, litigation may be necessary.
Children’s Panel hearings and appeals, Scotland
If it is believed a child requires care and protection, a Children’s Panel can make legally binding decisions, including stating where the child can live. Our lawyers have extensive experience representing families facing the Children’s Hearings System. If you are unhappy with a decision following a hearing, you may have a right to appeal. In such legal matters, our family law solicitors can assist parents, children and other relevant persons.
Representing children’s views in disputes
Children must be allowed to voice their views on matters that have an impact on their welfare. Our lawyers are often appointed by the court to express the opinions of a child in many different child-related cases. If you are a child or parent with questions about these services, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Contact Our Child-Related Dispute Solicitors Based in Aberdeen & Stonehaven Today
When dealing with any issue involving a child, you need the support of experienced and trusted advisors. Our solicitors provide sensitive, clear and practical guidance on your rights, responsibilities and options for resolving disputes. To discuss your matter, please contact Duncan Love or Susan Waters by telephone on {{CONTACT NUMBER}} or fill in our online contact form.