Tony Dawson finally retired as a Partner in James & George Collie on 31st March 2018 after 42 years as a partner –for many of which he acted as Managing or Senior Partner.
However, Tony continues to be associated with the firm as a Consultant working similar hours as before!!
He has also managed to persuade the partners that he should retain his office, his parking space and most importantly his modest expense allowance, so the profits at local hostelries are secure!
The continuing partners would like to thank Tony for his long service and dedication to the Firm.
His contact details remain the same as before – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.(email) and 01224 581581 (telephone).
In addition to Tony Dawson’s retirement mentioned above, there have been some other recent partnership changes.
Two other long-serving partners - Anne-Maryse Churchill and Gregor Sim - stepped down as partners on 31st March, but will continue to be associated with the firm as consultants whilst Mark W Allan, previously an associate, was appointed as a private client partner, on 1st April. Mark joined the Firm in September 2014, and has over 10 years’ experience, primarily in residential conveyancing. Mark can be contacted by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone on 01224 581581.